onsdag 8 december 2010

Installing mono and running LOIC on Ubuntu

Install Mono:
Add  'deb http://badgerports.org version main' to your /etc/apt/sources.list,  change 'version' to your version of Ubuntu

Download and add key: In terminal: 'wget http://badgerports.org/directhex.ppa.asc' and 'sudo apt-key add directhex.ppa.asc'

Update and install: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install git'

Install Git:
Add 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/smartlounge/ppa/ubuntu version main http://islandlinux.org/howto/install-latest-git-version-ubuntu (Change 'hardy' to your version of ubuntu.)

Extract:  'unzip loic.'

Run in terminal: 'mono /path_to_loic/debug/LOIC.exe'